Spark Shorts: Twenty Something
“SparkShorts,” the Pixar Animation Studios short film series designed to discover new storytellers and explore new storytelling techniques, debuts two new short films this month. The first, “Twenty Something,” is set to make its bow on Disney+ this week.
Directed by Aphton Corbin, who has been with Pixar since 2016, “Twenty Something” tells the story of Gia, a young woman who is turning 21 despite still feeling like a little kid inside.
Using hand-drawn 2D animation, something unusual for Pixar, Gia’s story is a relatable tale for those of us who have ever experienced “Imposter Syndrome.” She feels like a compilation of all the younger versions of herself, stacked one upon the other and hiding in an oversized trenchcoat, pretending to be a grown-up.
“I just love this idea of all these kids,” explains Corbin, whose previous work at Pixar includes the recent release “Soul.” “It felt like the perfect metaphor of trying to steer through life while hiding your insecurities.”
Working on her first directorial project during the pandemic in 2020 came with a special set of challenges, from Zoom brainstorming sessions to making recordings at home. But like most of us, Corbin and her team worked through these issues valiantly.
The result is a sweet, 8-minute film that shows there’s no shame in “faking it until you make it.” After all, adulting is HARD.
Twenty Something will premier exclusively on Disney+ this Friday, September 10.