My Day 1 D23 ACC – Honda Center Shuttle Experiences
For the Disney Entertainment Showcase at the Honda Center I decided to rely on the D23 shuttle buses. I had a great experience both ways. After talking with others it seems my experience there was typical, but my exit experience was abnormal. Due to the section I was in I was ahead of most of the crowd heading for the buses after the showcase and I choose wisely the queue to enter. Many people I spoke with said it took a good hour to get onto a bus and the queue situation was less than ideal plus loading of the buses was slow going.
Follow-up note: For the second and third night I ended up catching rides with friends. The second night I exited and it took me almost 10 minutes to try and find the end of the line for the bus. Luckily someone called me and asked if a I needed a ride so I left the queue and took the generous offer. Then for the third night a friend offered to drive both ways. The driving experience was no real problem getting in but getting out took some time both evenings, but was still faster than the long bus wait. The problem I saw was the queue system was not working or clear so many who were waiting in line were delayed as others pushed in or were directed ahead for one reason or another.
My Trip to the Honda Center from the Anaheim Convention Center

Return Trip to Anaheim Convention Center After the Showcase