Hong Kong Disneyland

Asia Trip Log – Day 6 – Hong Kong Disneyland (Final day here)

A trip log from Friday April 10, 2015 @ Hong Kong Disneyland

Started off my morning waking up well before I had planned, but it allowed for some packing time and uploading some videos from last night. Left the room around 8:30am and walked around the Disneyland Hotel a bit then out along the water before heading over to the park. Arrived at the front gates around 9:45am (park opened at 10:00am) which allowed those who wanted a waffle for breakfast some time to grab one before the park opened. At rope drop watched two large masses of guests start to run to their first destination. One group ran to the left and got in line for pins. The other slightly to the right and out to Fantasyland for Frozen meet and greet tickets. Everyone else just sort of walked along (which included us). We made our way into Fantasyland and went for a ride on Dumbo followed by Winnie the Pooh, the Carrousel, and Tea Cups. Walked down the parade route and made a quick stop in Tomorrowland to pick up a FastPass and then made our way to Adventureland where we did some shopping then I took a raft out to explore Tarzan’s Treehouse. Once back on the mainland rejoined my group and we returned to Tomorrowland. Got in line and waited to pay spend some time with Stitch then we continued on into Fantasyland. I walked out to see the Small World Clock Tower and then we all got in line for the Golden Mickeys. After the show it was past lunch time so we stopped by the Royal Banquet Hall for a bite to eat. Then we walked through Toy Story Land and Mystic Point to reach Grizzly Gulch. Waited around and realized there were no performances going on so stopped by the gift shop in Mystic Point then some of the group decided to go rest and I spent time taking a more detailed look at Toy Story Land and then wandered into Adventureland. Visited the Liki Tikis and since there was no wait went for ride on the Jungle River Cruise (and actually got wet!) Once ashore continued on through Adventureland and back to Main Street USA to see what was going on. Enjoyed a set by the Disneyland Band and then returned to Grizzly Gulch for a more in depth look around. Around 6:00pm rejoined my group in the hub and spent some time there before working our way up the parade route to find a spot for Paint the Night. I left them and did a quick loop of Tomorrowland before it started to drizzle. About 7:00pm they officially cancelled Paint the Night. The rest of my group decided to return to the hotel room at this point. I stayed in the rain and wandered out to it’s a Small World for some pictures and a cruise. Once back roamed Fantasyland and back to Toy Story Land. Took a bunch of pictures then continued on to Mystic Point and went for one last ride on Mystic Manor. Spent some time in Grizzly Gulch then back through Adventureland and out to the hub to catch the fireworks at park closing (9:00pm). Found a spot a half dozen people back near the center. After the show joined the masses exiting the park and walked back to the Disneyland Hotel to wrap up my evening and days in Hong Kong.

Daily Stats

Pedometer Readings:

  • Steps – 23,583
  • Miles – 9.6
  • Moderate Steps – 14,441
  • Moderate Minutes – 128

Visit my 2015 Asia Trip Summary Page for all links related to this trip.