Jason's Thoughts & ObservationsMovies/Films/Television

A Look Around the Roy E Disney Building – Walt Disney Animation Studios Big Hero 6

I had the opportunity to spend a day at the Walt Disney Animation Studio to learn about Big Hero 6. This was the end of July and they were on the final stretch of Animation for the film. We were given access and a tour of the studio in addition to the information sessions. This is the fourth and final post in the series.

This post features a pictorial look around the Roy E Disney Animation Building on the Disney Studio Lot in Burbank, CA. Most of the pictures in this update were taken the day of the event by a Disney photographer, I did post a couple of my own to fill in a couple gaps. I will be leaving out a majority of the session pictures that were used in my previous posts.

We start off the tour with my parking space. It was in the Zorro parking structure with a view of the water tower. To the left through the trees you can just barely make out the Michael Eisner Building (the Dwarf building).

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour

Looking back at the Zorro parking structure lobby/elevators.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Zorro Garage

Crossed Buena Vista Street (the original not DCA version) and made my way up to the Roy E Disney building.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour

As is the tradition the upcoming film has taken over the lobby and much of the common space of the building. As soon as you enter this graphic is on the wall.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Lobby

Made my way to the reception/security desk to check in. Baymax is watching…

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Lobby

The wall opposite the desk features microbots

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Lobby

Some awards on display from previous films.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Lobby

First stop this morning the main theater on the first floor for a presentation and screening of “Feast” then an introduction to Big Hero 6 before heading upstairs.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Lobby

Normally photography is heavily restricted in the building, there are signs like this throughout, but we were able to take pictures and given pictures of several areas.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour

Big Hero 6 has taken over the main walkway in the center of the second floor of the building. The current productions are housed on this floor as well as the Caffeine Patch which is a common meeting area in the middle of the floor.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

The left side of the hallway features Big Hero 6

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

On the right side “Feast”

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Feast

Further down the hall on the right is the Caffeine Patch. This is a common gathering spot for the building and a hub for casual meetings, conversations, etc.. it features tables, chairs, couches, TVs to sit and talk. Nearby (to the right out of this shot) are some notable offices, John Lasseter’s and Ed Catmull’s to name a couple. The area had a Big Hero 6 overlay.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

It also acted as the central spot for our day with groups departing from here and lunch being served here.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

Here is the actual coffee counter.. with its San Fransokyo makeover.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

More props in the area

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

Thought this was great.. even newspaper stands.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

There was a 3D printer creating microbot models.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Caffeine Patch

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - MicroBots

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - MicroBots

Baymax was nearby for pictures.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Baymax

Turning down a central corridor near the production pods there is a display featuring “Feast”

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Feast

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Feast

Artwork featuring the cast of Big Hero 6 in their regular close and super hero gear was on the opposite wall.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour

The floor houses two active production pods. This is the one for Big Hero 6. Inside are the offices for the films leadership team. The second pod was the next Disney Animation Studio release, Zootopia. No photos allowed down there.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Pod

We spent time shuttling between story rooms and screening rooms on the second and third floors the rest of the day. I included some pictures of the inside of these sessions in part 3 of my Big Hero 6 posts if you were curious. To close with a look at the past. Olaf and a Fix-It Felix video game were in one of the Hallways.

Roy E Disney - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Big Hero 6 Day Tour - Olaf and Fix It Felix

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