BooksGuest Posting

The Scariest Book Ever by Bob Shea – Daynah’s Review

scariest book bobsheaThe Scariest Book Ever by Bob Shea

Reader beware! This is the scariest book ever! Or so claims its melodramatic ghost narrator. You can go ahead and turn the page, but do not expect him to come with you. Anything might pop out of that black hole in the middle of the forest. What do you mean it is just a bunny? Well, it’s probably a bunny with big fangs. Watch out, it is–picking pumpkins with its friends, you say? Actually, despite the ghost’s scare-mongering, none of the animal characters in the illustrations seem scary at all. . . . What’s up with that? Many delights, such as surprises after the page turn, an alarmist narrator, and punch lines to anticipate make this book a scream for both kids and parents.

Daughter’s Reaction

My 5-year-old daughter enjoyed this book. She was glued to every page as I turned it. And once we got to the last page, she asked me, “Mom, this book is not scary at all.” That is a good thing since she does not really enjoy scary things. We found the book hilarious, and the illustrations are beautifully done. The ghost narrator was quite dramatic and made us giggle as we turned each page. This is a fun book to add to your library, especially around Halloween time.


About the Author: Daynah loves everything about technology and Disney. She enjoys blogging about her adventures of raising two kids as well as spend a lot of time browsing pretty things on Pinterest. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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