Disneyland Resort Pictures

Disneyland Main Street USA Horse-Drawn Streetcar Track Project (1/12)

The horse-drawn streetcar tracks are being replaced on Main Street USA at Disneyland.  Here are some cell phone pictures of the status as of January  12th.  Town Square and the hub are behind walls and preparing for removal of the old rails.  For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland picture set.

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Looks like they have covered the street and curb areas that are not being removed to protect them and are ready to start removal of the concrete and rails for the streetcar track.

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The straight/center portion of the street is currently open.  Walls are only on the Town Square and Hub ends.

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Approaching the hub.

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One piece of equipment was working this afternoon.

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For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland picture set.

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