Disneyland Resort Pictures

Paradise Pier Transformation to Pixar Pier Pictures (3/16)

Pixar Pier colors are starting to take over as the work quickly advances toward the June opening date. It will be opening in phases throughout the year. For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set.  This week some visible progress with the new color scheme.  The launch hill has been painted red and more of the Fun Wheel painted.

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At the entrance some of the scaffolding is now down around the canopy.

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The support structure on the right side is rising slowly.

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Slowly enclosing the main drop hill.

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The Fun Wheel Painting continues.

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Another tube on the back side looks ready to be painted.

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A closer look at the one that has been.

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The Cove Bar has returned to operation for the Spring Break Season.  It will close again after Easter.

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Crews working on the launch area.  Looks like it is staying blue.

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The Incredicoaster station.

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Some red is returning to the Toy Story buildings.

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No real visible progress on King Tritons.  Looked like everything was still intact.

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The launch hill from near Toy Story.

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For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set Here are all my in park posts from Friday afternoon.

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