BooksGuest Posting

Off & Away by Cale Atkinson – Daynah’s Review

cale offandawayOff & Away by Cale Atkinson – Ever thought of how creatures who lived in the middle of the sea received mail? It just so happens that Jo’s dad’s job is to deliver these messages in bottles to wherever they needed to go. When he did, he would always come home with the most exciting stories to tell his daughter. Jo is far too frighten to go out in the ocean herself, that is, until her dad caught an awful sea cold. With no one but Jo to deliver the bottles, she must find her courage and set sail out to the sea alone. As she embarks on her mission, her fears may be replaced with new friendships, adventures, and a whale of a tale of her own. Come and journey into the sea with Jo and discover a whole new world with her.

Daughter’s Reaction

As I read this book to my 6-year-old daughter, she was very intrigued by all the illustrations. At first, she was a little scared since Jo’s imagination was so vivid. But as we turned the page, she saw there was nothing to worry about. She wanted me to read her this book every night for the past week, so I think she really enjoys it!


This picture book has a very sweet story and the images on all the pages are very beautiful and nicely done. The atmospheric artwork and endearing characters makes this book a treasure. I love how the artwork inspires my daughter to ask a lot of questions and observe what is on the pages.

The book is geared towards children ages 3 – 5, but I think children up to 8 would enjoy it. It is an enduring story about a father and daughter, and the adventures they experience and share.


About the Author: Daynah loves everything about technology and Disney. She enjoys blogging about her adventures of raising two kids as well as spend a lot of time browsing pretty things on Pinterest. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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