Disneyland Resort Pictures

Disneyland New Parking Structure Construction Pictures (6/22)

A new parking structure is being built on the former Pinocchio Parking lot adjacent to the Mickey and Friends Parking Structure with a projected opening in 2019. For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set. For pictures of this project from past weeks be sure to visit the Disneyland Construction Progress Section

First up a couple video clips of the project.

More columns rising parallel to Walnut on the back side of the structure.

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Two ramps continue to take shape.

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Moving down toward the elevator a look back at the center of the site.

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A row of columns near the tram stop forming what appears to be the edge of the garage on this side.



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Concrete being poured on the far side nearest Magic Way. That is where the escalators for the new structure will be.

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For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set Here are all my in park posts from Friday afternoon.

Here are videos from previous trips:

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