Disneyland Resort Pictures

Disneyland New Parking Structure Construction Pictures (7/13)

A new parking structure is being built on the former Pinocchio Parking lot adjacent to the Mickey and Friends Parking Structure with a projected opening in 2019. For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set. For pictures of this project from past weeks be sure to visit the Disneyland Construction Progress Section

Here is a quick video clip overview of the project:

Starting off on the left side closest to Disneyland Drive where the escalators for the new garage will be.

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A closer look at the end of the structure, the second floor is taking shape.

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Panning to the right.

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More supports for the second floor forms are being assembled.20180713 130049 wm

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Moving to the other side of the escalators and a look at the main part of the structure.

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Not a lot of visible change on the two ramps this visit.  More columns are poured on the left.

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Throughout the site more columns are rising up on both portions of the new garage.

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Some utility work in center of the site.

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Closest to the existing structure supports are going up, assuming for more ramps.

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From the escalator you can see the spacing between the two structures, assuming for the access road for the ramps and the new ramp supports.

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The view from ground level on Magic Way, this is the portion that will become the escalator area.

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For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set Here are all my in park posts from Friday afternoon.

Here are videos from previous trips: