Disneyland Resort Pictures

Disneyland Main Street USA – Streetcar Track Replacement Pictures (3/09)

The project to replace the Horse-drawn Streetcar tracks on Main Street USA at Disneyland continues to move along. Below are some cell phone pictures from Friday 3/9 featuring a check of the progress. For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set.  Looking up Main Street USA a couple more sections of wall have been removed but most of the straight part of the street and spur line are behind walls still as the track replacement project enters the final stages.

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A street car is out as a photo opportunity now.

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Signs indicating where the crossings.

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The Center Street crossing is complete and you can see the new tack and bricks.

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Further up the street there is a large section of the new track and bricks complete.

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For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set Here are all my in park posts from Friday afternoon.