#D23Expo Pictures – Art of Disney Storytelling
The Art of Disney Storytelling (D23 Expo Arena @ 3:00pm)
John Stamos and his wife Caitlin McHugh hosted a panel that included Don Hahn, Floyd Norman, Paul Briggs and Tony Baxter. They discussed many aspects of Disney Story Telling and how that is applied in various forms whether that is in the parks, feature films or animated films. Before launching into the panel a brief moment was held for Disney Legend Marty Sklar. He took part in a similar panel at the end of the last D23 Expo and passed away only days later.
If you have watched previous panels or read books by any of these individuals you have most likely heard most of what was discussed. I always find it interesting to hear firsthand and sometimes they throw in additional stories or tidbits of information. One focus in the initial part was the creation process and they discussed the collaborative process and how you have to be prepared to throw away and adapt as the story is developed. They said a vast majority of the work for films is thrown away and does not see the light of day. This includes characters, scenes, story lines, designs. When the discussion turned to the parks Tony Baxter discussed how they try to create attractions for the “20th ride”. Meaning after you know the experience what details can you pick up on? He talked about John Hench and one of his guiding principles of eliminating contradictions.
The panel closed with them each talking about their inspirations. The panel closed with them each talking about their inspirations. Paul discussed the book the Illusion of Life. Don pointed to Charlie Brown Christmas and Wizard of Oz. Tony Sleeping Beauty and Ray Harryhausen stop motion animation. Floyd cited Dumbo.
Below are some pictures from the presentation: