Disney Cruise LineVideos

Disney Wish Cruise Ship Construction Videos

Below are videos featuring components of the next Disney Cruise Line ship the Disney Wish arriving at the Meyer Werft shipyard in Germany. Most of these videos are from Ems -Dollart Media.  The Disney Wish is slated to start sailing in July 2022 followed by two additional ships in subsequent years –

Posted 3/30/22 – Ems River conveyance Movie – March 30th.2022

Posted 3/28/22 – Last preparations before Ems river conveyance

Posted 3/24/22 – Preparations for the Ems river conveyance

Posted 3/23/22 – Hear the Typhon & The Mouse emblems are attached again

Posted 3/22/22 – The name is on the Bow

Posted 3/11/22 – Testing of the Aqua Mouse

Posted 2/26/22 – The “Flying Mouse”

Posted 2/12/22 – Propulsion system & Lifeboat Tests

Posted 2/11/22 – Disney Wish Float Out

Posted 2/8/22 – Disney Wish | Impressive Views into the Huge Covered Hall – Ready for Float Out Meyer Werft Shipyard

Posted 9/8/21 – Disney Wish -Construction Update the bow got it’s Stripe

Posted 7/10/21 -Disney Wish- In Progress – The Float in Movie

Posted 7/8/21 – Floating Unit repositioning for floating In Dock II

Posted 7/5/21 – Two Ships (Disney Wish/ P&O ARVIA) – One Transport to Meyer Werft

Posted 6/19/21 – Disney Wish| Aft Sections arrived at Meyer Werft

Posted 6/16/21 – Disney Wish | The Second Funnel

Posted 5/25/21 – Disney Wish-Mid-Aft Section underway to Meyer Werft

Posted 5/11/21 – Disney Wish | Striking Stern Sections arrived at Meyer Werft

Posted 5/8/21 – Front Bow Segments convey to Meyer Werft

Posted 4/17/21 – Disney Wish | Ems river conveyance of the Bow to Meyer Werft

Posted 3/31/21 – Disney Wish – Mid Hull Segments arrived at Meyer Werft

Posted 3/26/21 – Disney Wish Megablock after float out

Posted 3/25/21 – Disney Wish Megablock float out

Posted 2/25/21 – Disney Wish: Mid Hull Segment arrived at Meyer Werft

Posted 2/24/21 – Disney Wish: Bow Thruster & Bulbous bow arrived Meyer Werft

1/17/21 – Disney Wish | A Component of the Boat Deck Jan.15th. 2021

1/13/21 – Disney Wish | The Funnel arrived at the Docks of Meyer Werft Jan.13th 2021

12/20/20 – Disney Wish | The Float-In Movie

11/30/20 – Disney Wish | Work in Progress – Moving the Floating engine room Unit & Arrival of a new section

11/04/20 – DISNEY Wish | Floating Engine Room Unit (FERU) Arrival at Meyer Werft Nov./04/2020

11/01/20 – DISNEY Wish | Floating Engine Room Unit (FERU) at port of Emden – Nov.1st./2020

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