Guest Posting

Daynah’s Japan Adventures: Mickey Bento Box

Hello Disney Geeks! My family and I are on vacation in Japan and we wanted to share our Disney findings, experiences, and some Japanese culture with you. Be sure to follow along here at for more posts about our Japan adventures.

Traveling with little kids in Japan? Are they hungry? Silly question because they are always hungry! Lucky for you, there are many cute bento lunches available in various shops at the train stations. I was quite excited when I found this Mickey bento box at a Family Mart in Nagasaki. My little one loved the Shinkansen (bullet train) one.

Kids Bento Boxes

Kids Mickey Bento Box


About the Author: Daynah loves everything about technology and Disney. She enjoys blogging about her adventures of raising two kids as well as spend a lot of time browsing pretty things on Pinterest. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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