Guest PostingTokyo Disney Resort Pictures

Daynah’s Japan Adventures: The Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast at Tokyo Disneyland

Hello Disney Geeks! My family and I are on vacation in Japan and we wanted to share our Disney findings, experiences, and some Japanese culture with you. Be sure to follow along here at for more posts about our Japan adventures.

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My family and I went to Tokyo Disneyland and it just happened to be raining so much that day. The wait for “The Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast” ride was 110 minutes in the TDR app, but it may have been incorrect since all the umbrellas took up a lot of space in line. My kids were cold and drenched, so they were not too happy waiting in line, but I told them it will be worth it. They started changing their tune once we got up close to the castle. The details of beautiful architecture was amazing.

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The queue for the ride was so much fun to walk through too. After entering the castle, you can see Sultan, the dog who lives at the Beast’s Castle who was turned into a footstool by the Enchantress’ curse. The kids really enjoyed how it was very animated and wagging its tassel.

Keep walking through and you can see knights in shiny armor, a living room with Mrs. Potts and Chip on the table, and so much more. Be sure to keep your eyes open and observe everything. There is so much detail in the castle.

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At the very end of the hall, you are taken to a waiting room, similar to the Haunted Mansion, to see the start of The Enchanted Tale of Beauty and the Beast. There is an image of a lost Belle, and angry Beast, and a stain glass window that tells of their story.

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After this, you keep walking further into the queue and explore the kitchen.

Once there, it was only a matter of minutes before they have you seat in a giant teacup!

These can fit up to two groups of 4 people. Your tea cup will start rolling into a room where Lumière starts singing the familiar tune of “Be Our Guest” as you spin around in the teacup. Belle sits at the head of the empty table. In a blink of an eye, the dining table gets filled with all sorts of colorful goodies. It feels very magical as you spin around in the room and the environment changes.

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The next room is a scene with Belle and Beast singing “Something There” in the winter wonderland. Beast is listening on the balcony and being kind to all the birds. Note, all the songs are in Japanese and it sounds very lovely.

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The next room, we see the Beast magically change into a Prince. The technology was amazing. I still have not figured it out.

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Finally, we are spun into a beautiful ballroom in the very last room and our beloved Beauty and the Beast (who is now a prince) are both dancing and they look incredibly happy.

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This was such a heartwarming ride and my family and I thoroughly enjoyed it so much. We felt our trip to Tokyo Disneyland was absolutely worth it in the rain after having been on the ride!

We got in line for the ride at 11:50am in the pouring rain, and reached the Beast’s castle by 12:35pm. We walked through the castle for half an hour and we entered the doors to the pre-show at 1pm. Within 10 minutes, we were sitting in the teacup, ready for the ride! So it was about an hour wait for the ride in the freezing and cold rain.

For rainy days, I highly suggest buying an umbrella at one of the stores near the park entry and wear rain boots. Our shoes and socks were soaked and the kids were not too happy about that.

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This was the line after we were done with the ride. It got so much longer and the rain was getting worse. That is at least a 2+ hour wait.

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After that amazing ride, we could not help buying the Beauty and the Beast popcorn bucket. This popcorn bucket is one of my favorites. The stained glass windows are very detailed and there is a switch at the bottom to light it up.


Here is a video Tokyo Disneyland posted with highlights of the attraction:


About the Author: Daynah loves everything about technology and Disney. She enjoys blogging about her adventures of raising two kids as well as spend a lot of time browsing pretty things on Pinterest. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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