Disneyland Resort Pictures

Pictures: A Walk Through Downtown Disney To See the Recent Changes (4/14/23)

Today I started my visit at the Disneyland Resort with a walk through Downtown Disney to check out the recent changes.  Pavement work has wrapped up in one area, Wonderground Gallery and Disney Home have reopened in their previous locations and Sprinkles has closed.

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The fences are down and the pavement work between the Trading Post and Monorail station is finished. You can see the new on the left and old on the right.

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This directory near the LEGO store is becoming more out of date by the day.
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The Jazz Kitchen renovation work continues. The new sign is up and most of the exterior work is finished.

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The Wondereground Gallerey has moved back to its previous location.

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The Disney Home Store has also reopened.

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Sprinkles closed earlier this week.

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