Disneyland ParisPress Release

Disneyland Paris Water Preservation Efforts

Preserving water at Disneyland Paris

As summer is fast approaching, water conservation is more than ever a top environmental priority. This vital resource – which is a key element of the experience delivered at Disneyland Paris – is also an integral part of the magic, as it enables us to take care of our green spaces, preserve biodiversity and local ecosystems, fill our ornamental ponds, etc. For several years, we have been focusing on ensuring responsible stewardship of water resources while encouraging our guests and our Cast Members to adopt simple gestures in their everyday lives.

Find out more about our water reuse initiatives and the awareness-raising actions we take.

Disneyland Paris, the first theme park in Europe that has been equipped with its own wastewater treatment plant since 2013 

  • Located in the resort’s backstage areas, the treatment plant collects and treats up to 3,500 m3 of wastewater from both Parks, Disneyland Hotel and Disney Village every day. The purified, clean, and high-quality water that is obtained through this process is then used to clean pathways, water the golf course along with flowerbeds, fill ornamental ponds and cool down the energy plant.
  • In 2018, the plant became home to an innovative technology that helps to reduce phosphorus levels in treated and purified water.

Here are some key figures about the wastewater treatment plant: 

  • More than 4 million m3 of drinking water have been saved since 2013
  • Drinking water consumption decreased by 24% between 2012 and 2022
  • More than 300,000 m3 of drinking water are saved per year, which is the equivalent of 120 Olympic-sized swimming pools
  • Nearly 50% of the wastewater collected from the Parks is treated by the plant

Responsible stewardship of green spaces

Landscaping teams leverage responsible watering practices to avoid excessive water consumption and continue to work on reducing water use by enhancing technological systems and carefully selecting the types of plants and flowers to be planted. 

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Additional measures taken to pursue our efforts

  • All of the showerheads and toilet flushing systems across the resort are being replaced to limit water waste and consumption.
  • Guests staying at Disney Sequoia Lodge can use the Hydrao showerheads, designed to reduce water consumption. Introduced in some of the resort’s hotels in 2022, they have made it possible so far to reduce the quantity of water used in showers by 22% compared to previous systems. This new system is still being tested, as we are looking to expand its use.
  • To make full use of vacant areas, new solutions are being developed for optimizing the collection and storage of rainwater that will then be reused in the bathrooms of the various buildings in the backstage areas.

Informing and raising awareness among guests and Cast Members to encourage them to adopt best practices

  • Guests staying in Disneyland Paris’ hotels are made aware of the actions taken by the resort. Advice on how to reduce water consumption is provided upon their arrival in hotels.
  • Cast Members are regularly informed about the measures taken by the company, especially during internal awareness-raising events. We also provide them with recommendations and advice on simple gestures that can be adopted in the workplace and at home.
  • Water conservation is one of the key topics that is addressed during the guided tours that are organized to introduce young people and local communities to the world of landscaping and associated careers. 

visite horticulture

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