Disneyland Resort Pictures

Pictures: Downtown Disney West End Construction (4/12/24)

A check of the Downtown Disney construction project on the West End. A new building and park will take the place of the former AMC building. The area includes a lawn and new stage opened Nov 10th. The building nearest the Disneyland Hotel will house Din Tai Fung and there will also be a new building housing the Parkside Market which will include 4 dining options.wp 17129691264657702541582975119764wp 17129691265146231957668674677381wp 17129691265513460940906916345092wp 17129691265894160839614758747882


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For pictures from previous visits check out our Disneyland Construction Progress section.
For more pictures from this visit check out my full Disneyland Picture Set
Here is the original announcement of the reimagining project

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