Introducing Kiff, a New Animated Series
“Kiff” – a new nutty animated buddy-comedy about an optimistic squirrel, Kiff and her chill bunny bestie, Barry. From creators and executive producers Lucy Heavens and Nic Smal, the series follows Kiff and Barry as they navigate school, relationships and their often-eccentric community in Table Town, a world where animals and magical oddballs tackle day-to-day life together. The show was inspired by the people and places Heavens and Smal experienced when they were growing up in Cape Town, South Africa. Each 23-minute episode is comprised of two 11-minute stories and includes a new original song. New episodes of “Kiff” air on Disney Channel and Disney XD on Saturdays (8:30 a.m. ET/PT) and are available on Disney+.
- Episode 1: Thirst to be the First / The Fourth Bath
Kiff wants the first sip at a new water fountain and nothing will stop her! Kiff learns that at Barry’s house, his family shares bathwater and Kiff is fourth in line. - Episode 2: Pool Party / Road Trip
Helen agrees to cast a swim spell on Barry, if Kiff introduces her to Candle’s dad, Roy Fox; A road trip goes awry when scary-looking bikers pursue the Chatterleys and Barry. - Episode 3: Brunch DJ / Career Day
Kiff and Barry investigate where Barry’s brother goes when he skips class; Kiff and Barry get summer jobs at City Hall and help the citizens of Table Town in any way they can.
My daughters and I watched Kiff and really enjoyed it. The show is witty, hilarious, and very fast-paced. We like watching Kiff and Barry bravely navigate all sorts of life situations and sometimes their imaginations gets the best of them. The show is fun and creative, and there was never a dull moment. You can catch Kiff on Disney+, Disney Channel and Disney XD.