Tokyo Disney Resort Pictures

Tokyo Day 6: Tokyo Disneyland – Fairy Tale Hall, Mickey Nuggets & More

Returned to Disneyland just after 1pm, grabbed a quick bite to eat, used a Winnie the Pooh FastPass, and paid a visit to Cinderella Castle before heading back to DisneySea.

Tokyo Disneyland - Cinderella Castle from Tomorrowland Terrace
Returned to Disneyland just after 1pm and while in route realized I needed lunch. So stopped by the Tomorrowland Terrace. This was my lunch view of Cinderella Castle
Tokyo Disneyland - Mickey Nuggets
Lunch was not that exciting, Mickey Nuggets. 5 pieces are 330 yen, just over $3.00.
Tokyo Disneyland - Winnie the Pooh FastPass distribution
Even the Winnie the Pooh FastPass distribution area has Christmas decorations.
Tokyo Disneyland - Fantasyland
A random Fantasyland Picture looking toward Tomorrowland.. soon to be annexed for Fantasyland expansion.
Tokyo Disneyland - Happiness is Here
While waiting for my group caught the first 1/3 of Happiness is Here.
Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall
Decided to go inside Cinderella Castle. Here there is a walk through attraction.
Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall
The window to Fantasyland.
Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall
An interesting perspective with Mt. Prometheus behind the Queen of Hearts castle.

Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall

Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall

Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall
Fantasyland from the castle

Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall

Tokyo Disneyland - Fairy Tale Hall

Tokyo Disneyland - Cinderella Castle
Tokyo Disneyland – Cinderella Castle
Tokyo Disneyland - Omni Bus in the Central Plaza
Tokyo Disneyland – Omni Bus in the Central Plaza
Tokyo Disneyland - Resort Line Station
Tokyo Disneyland – Resort Line Station

For more pictures and posts from this trip visit the 2016 Tokyo Disneyland Trip Summary Page.