Tokyo Disney Resort Pictures

Tokyo Day 1: Travel to Tokyo

Today I set off on a trip to Tokyo to see the Tokyo DisneySea 15th Anniversary & Tokyo Disney Resort Christmas festivities.  My day started with a pre-dawn wake up call and drive to LAX.  After parking and a shuttle ride we arrived at Delta One check-in around 6:30am.  This trip we splurged on the air travel and went business class which meant use of the checkin lounge.

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Once on the airside stopped by the Sky Club for breakfast (6:56am)

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Some data on the flight.

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Time for a meal.  Butternut Squash, Date and Meyer Lemon Compote

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Route from LAX to Tokyo20161111 134807 wm

Almost there20161112 112748 wm

A pre arrival snack, odd it was breakfast at 1pm Tokyo time20161112 131844 wm

Approaching the Tokyo area, Mt Fuji to the left.20161112 142323 wm

Tokyo Disney Resort is down there20161112 142338 wm

Landing just after 2:30pm Saturday.20161112 143610 wm

Waiting for a bus to Disney.20161112 152037 wm

Bus ticket.20161112 152200 wm