Guest Posting

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukon – Finding Nemo Inspired Exhibit (Daynah Discovery)

My family and I are back in Japan to visit  family and go sightseeing. We wanted to take my daughters to the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukon and to our surprise, they recently added a new Disney Finding Nemo-inspired exhibit!
You can reach this exhibit towards the middle of the aquarium, pass the end of the large tank with the sharks, stingrays, and whales.
Once inside, you can see decorated walls inspired by the Finding Nemo story. Each tank contained fish you would find in the movie. My favorite is the one inspired by the tank in the dentist office. There’s also a jellyfish tank that depicts the scene where Dory and Marlin were bouncing on the tops of them.
We enjoyed the aquarium and the Nemo-inspired exhibit. Hope you get the chance to visit the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukon soon!
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About the Author: Daynah loves everything about technology and Disney. She enjoys blogging about her adventures of raising two kids as well as spend a lot of time browsing pretty things on Pinterest. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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