Non Disney Travels

Washington D.C. – Pentagon & Trip to Maryland

This week I am spending a few days touring Washington D.C. I know it is not Disney but I thought some may be interested so here are some cell-phone pictures from my trip. To see all of my posts visit my 2017 Washington D.C. Summary Page. This post features some pictures of the Pentagon Memorial and then a couple from the drive to Maryland and across the Bay Bridge.

There are no photos allowed at the Pentagon with two exceptions. The outside 9/11 Memorial Area and the visitor check in area. We stopped by the outside memorial first.
There are no photos allowed at the Pentagon with two exceptions. The outside 9/11 Memorial Area and the visitor check in area. We stopped by the outside memorial first.

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Inside the visitor waiting area is a replica of the press briefing podium that you can pose at for a picture.
Inside the visitor waiting area is a replica of the press briefing podium that you can pose at for a picture.
The rest of the tour our phones had to be powered off so no more pictures.
The rest of the tour our phones had to be powered off so no more pictures.
Last time through the Crystal City Metro Station.. visited this stop twice a day.
Last time through the Crystal City Metro Station.. visited this stop twice a day.
The view as we left the city.
The view as we left the city.
The view from the Bay Bridge in Maryland.
The view from the Bay Bridge in Maryland.
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The Bay Bridge.

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Random highway picture as we drive through Maryland.
Random highway picture as we drive through Maryland.

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Entering Maryland.
Entering Maryland.



To view more pictures from this trip visit the 2017 Washington D.C. Summary Page.

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