2017 Washington D.C. Trip Summary

The Washington Monument.
The Washington Monument.

This week I spent a little over three days touring Washington D.C. I know it is not Disney but I thought some may be interested so here are some cell-phone pictures from my trip.  If you are interested in seeing full picture sets or write-ups let me know and I can put it on my to-do list if there is interest out there.

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Day 1 – Monday, August 21, 2017
Started off with an early wake-up call and breakfast at 6am. Was at the Crystal City Commuter Store when they opened at 7:00am. Bought our passes and were on the way to Capitol Hill. Arrived before 8am and wandered around a bit before lining up to enter at 8:30am when the Capitol Visitor Center opened. Explored the visitor center and then took a tour at 9:40am. After the tour grabbed an early lunch then took the tunnel over to the Library of Congress. Was able to join a tour right away of the library. After the tour walked outside and next door to the Supreme Court. Unfortunately the courtroom was closed for annual cleaning so we did not get to see it. Took the main steps out of the Supreme Court to exit. Walked around the Capitol on the north side then around the front to the mall area. The eclipse was going on, I did not have glasses or a filter so I walked through the crowds and into the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Spent a couple hours checking out some of the newer exhibits. As we exited there was a brief shower passing through. Walked to the nearest Metro stop and took it back to Crystal City. Ate some dinner at the mall with the Metro Station and then walked back to the hotel to call it a day.

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Day 2 – Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Started my second full sightseeing day with a 5:15am wake-up call. Stopped by the lobby briefly before heading to the Metro station. Arrived at the White House just before 7:00am, 30 minutes early. Walked through the White House then back to the Metro and hotel to have breakfast. Then drove out to the Smithsonian Hanger near Dulles Airport. Spent the afternoon exploring it then drove back to the hotel to call it an early evening.

Panda at the National Zoo in Washington D.C.

Day 3 – Wednesday, August 23, 2017
This morning slept in a bit.. a 6:30am wake-up call and I was up before it. After breakfast made my way to the Crystal City Metro stop then out to the National Zoo. Walked around the Zoo for a couple of hours. Saw the Pandas then roamed around some of the other areas. Then back to the Metro and into China Town. Walked through the US Navy Memorial Plaza on our way to the National Archives. Checked out the archives then went in search of lunch. Walked across the Mall and by the Air/Space Museum and learned the food options are still closed there. So continued on and found a food court with a variety of choices a few blocks away. After lunch walked back to the Mall and around the Washington Monument on my way to the World War II Memorial. Spent some time there and then headed for the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing for a tour. After the tour decided we were done so headed back to the Metro and then the hotel to wrap up the day.

There are no photos allowed at the Pentagon with two exceptions. The outside 9/11 Memorial Area and the visitor check in area. We stopped by the outside memorial first.
There are no photos allowed at the Pentagon with two exceptions. The outside 9/11 Memorial Area and the visitor check in area. We stopped by the outside memorial first.

Day 4 – Thursday, August 24, 2017

Today was a partial sight seeing day before heading out of town.  We walked to the Crystal City Metro station and had a short ride (2 stops) to the Pentagon.  Once there visited the Pentagon Memorial then headed inside for a tour.  After the tour it was back to the hotel to check out then drive to Maryland.

White House and Washington Monument
White House and Washington Monument

Sunday August 27, 2017

The drive back to Washington D.C. then flight home from Reagan National Airport to Los Angeles International Airport.

Video Clips:

For other non-Disney Park trips be sure to check out my DGeeksTravels section for full picture sets from Alaska, Hawaii, Space Shuttle and more.