Disneyland Resort Pictures

Paradise Pier Transformation to Pixar Pier Pictures (6/08)

Pixar Pier opens in two weeks, June 23rd. It will be opening in phases throughout next couple of years, first up in June will be the Incredicoaster, the shops, and dining locations. For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set.

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The entrance arch is still not installed.

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The gondolas are all back now on the wheel.  Almost all the scaffolding from the coaster is now gone too.

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The Midway Mania sign has returned.

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A look at the Lounge entrance.  Inside looks like an artwork chandelier is up.20180608 152559 wm

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The Cove Bar is closed to become the Lamplight Lounge.

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Walls have been removed from a portion of Knick’s Knacks.

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The Pier was closed until 6pm just past the ice cream shop.

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The Incredicoaster queue building.

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Queue shade structures taking shape.

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The Incredibles arch

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No real visible progress on the Carousel

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From Paradise Park.

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More of the midway games scaffolding is down

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The entrance for the Fun Wheel

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The Band Shell facade is moving along.

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Later in the evening I stopped by again and they were testing a couple trains for the Incredicoaster.

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A closer view of the arch

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For more pictures be sure to visit our full Disneyland Picture Set Here are all my in park posts from Friday afternoon.

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