Walt Disney World Pictures

WDW Pictures: EPCOT – Future World Projects (January 2021)

The transformation of EPCOT Future World into several neighborhoods continues.  There are plenty of “progress walls” (AKA Construction Walls) up with many projects underway.  This post takes a look at several of the in progress projects with pictures taken on January 23 and 25th.  In my full picture sets from this trip I will have a more in depth look as well as a look at some of the completed work.

Let’s start off on the walkways leading toward the entrance.  A new structure is taking shape that appears to be for Leave a Legacy panels.  These were originally located inside the park and Disney said they would be moving with the renovation.  The wall/structure stretches most of the length of the walkway from the Monorail exit toward the buses.  There is also another one on the other side of the entrance toward the tram stop.  This picture is of the backside as the front side is just a green mesh/wrap.

EPCOT - January 2021

Once you get into the park work is being done on either side of the entrance planters. It appears to be anchors for flag poles with lighting installed.

Moving into the park let’s start on the east side (the left side as you walk in and head Spaceship earth).  This will be World Discover.  The center section will be World Celebration then the right/west side World Nature.  These first two pictures are walking up the walkway and taking a look across the World Celebration Plaza to the demolition of Communicore/Innoventions West on the other side.

My first look a the East side buildings and signage.  The former Electric Umbrella and Mouse Gear locations have been completely stripped down to the steel and are in the process of being rebuilt.

Guardians of the Galaxy: Cosmic Rewind – The main show building exterior looks the same as last year when I visited.  The queue entrance/exit building (the former Universe of Energy) is being enclosed and the roof prepared for new solar cells.  Here are some views of the building –

Next door the Play Pavilion that will be taking over the former Wonder of Life has received a new roof.

EPCOT - January 2021

The new Space 220 Restaurant at Mission Space exterior looks done and signs are installed and covered.  No opening date has been announced yet.

Moving back to World Celebration here are more pictures of the east side renovation work, including the former Mouse Gear location –

The fountain/splash zone on the way to World Showcase is behind walls.

EPCOT - January 2021

To wrap up this tour of Future World a look at the demolition of the Communicore/Innovention West building. Half was removed last year and the second half nearest the front of the park is slowly being torn apart again.

Moving around to the front of the park and the former Disney Gallery location on the west side.

For more pictures, trip logs, thoughts and observations from this trip visit my January 2021 Walt Disney World Trip Summary Page for links.

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