Guest PostingTokyo Disney Resort

Daynah’s Japan Adventure: Tokyo DisneySea American Waterfront

Hello Disney Geeks! My family and I are on vacation in Japan and we wanted to share our Disney findings, experiences, and some Japanese culture with you. Be sure to follow along here at for more posts about our Japan adventures.

My family and I walked around DisneySea American Waterfront at night and it looked very lovely.

We had won lottery tickets for Big Band Beat: A Special Treat which is where Mickey Mouse and his Friends dance and perform to American swing jazz music. It was one of the best Disney shows we have ever seen.

After the show, we walked around, window shopping. I highly recommend stopping by McDuck’s Department Store if you are looking for Duffy and Friends merchandise.

disneysea toystory mania

disneysea theatre

disneysea duffy friends

disneysea minnie winter

disneysea keychain plush

disneysea minnie stella

disneysea gelatoni

disneysea gelatoni duffy

disneysea linabell scene

disneysea american waterfront

disneysea mcducks

disneysea mcducks2


About the Author: Daynah loves everything about technology and Disney. She enjoys blogging about her adventures of raising two kids as well as spend a lot of time browsing pretty things on Pinterest. You can also follow her on Instagram and Twitter.

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